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Empowering Cities, Transforming Destinies

Underserved and unprivileged youth are our focus. We must reshape the financial landscape of America’s cities. Here's a glimpse into our commitment to fostering economic mobility, promoting higher education, and building a future where every city thrives.

Davide Adefeso

“It is my dream that one day the fortunes of our children will be determined by the size of their dreams, dreams that are built on the scope of their imagination, not the zip code they are lucky – or unlucky – enough to be born into”

David Adefeso


Our Impactful Approach

At Sootchy Inc., we believe in a hands-on approach to create change. Our city-based initiatives are designed to address the unique financial challenges faced by each community, ensuring that our impact is not just significant but tailored to the needs of the people.

Our Citywide Initiatives

Economic Mobilization

We are on a mission to foster economic mobility within cities, targeting areas most in need. Our citywide programs aim to uplift struggling communities, particularly focusing on those with higher poverty rates.


Education Revolution

Higher education for our youth is the golden ticket to a prosperous future. Through strategic partnerships with local schools, community centers, and educational institutions, we're providing every child the access they deserve.


Community Strength

We understand the power of unity. Our citywide initiatives extend beyond education to cultivate a sense of community strength. By organizing events, workshops, and collaborative projects, we're building bonds that form the foundation of resilient cities.
